3 Pandas 2

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L.chơi 1710
Tải 541
D.lượng 8.49 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 650
Cao 500
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Adventures of 3 cute pandas on an island. Use their unique abilities to help them survive the night! Help the famous trio of pandas survive in the...

Adventures of 3 cute pandas on an island. Use their unique abilities to help them survive the night! Help the famous trio of pandas survive in the dark. Get over obstacles by pushing buttons, climbing ladders and activating mechanisms. Use your mouse to control the pandas. Click anywhere on the screen to make them move there. Click above the pandas to make them jump. The slim panda can hold the other pandas hanging down. You can throw the small panda into unreachable areas. The wide panda can lift the other 2 pandas up. They all need to help each other to succeed

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