Age Of War

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L.chơi 8054
Tải 684
D.lượng 3.46 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 685
Cao 474
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
The goal of the game is to survive and destroy the ennemy base. The game is divided in 5 ages. To move to the next age, you need Xp points. To gain...

The goal of the game is to survive and destroy the ennemy base. The game is divided in 5 ages. To move to the next age, you need Xp points. To gain these points, you have to kill ennemy units. You also gain Xp points when one of your units is killed. You can also build defences. Finding the balance between defence and offence is the key.

You will also be able to use a special attack. This attack will need time to be available again after you use it. Each age have its own special attack.

You cannot repair your base, but it will gain health points everytime you evolve to the nextage. Protect your base at all cost!

Phím đ.khiển
Use mouse to play.
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