Alien Punchout

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L.chơi 606
Tải 479
D.lượng 4.3 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Two alien fighters are about to measure their strengths and weaknesses by dueling themselves on the craziest and funkiest 2 player fight ever existed...

Two alien fighters are about to measure their strengths and weaknesses by dueling themselves on the craziest and funkiest 2 player fight ever existed! However, these alien fighters are interested for having quite simple, but fairly challenging fights where both players are able to move around, block attacks whenever needed and willing to deliver one or two fist punch to knock down the opponent and claim a glorious victory. Improve your skills by defeating the never tired CPU opponent, or go ahead and challenge your friends to a 2 players Punchout tournament where the new alien fighting champ can up raised!

Phím đ.khiển
Player 1:
A key and D key to move.
S key to block.
G key to punch.

Player 2:
Left key and Right key to move.
Down key to block.
L key to punch.
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