Animator Vs Animation

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L.chơi 2901
Tải 514
D.lượng 1.16 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 650
Cao 500
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Animator vs Animation is an amazing stick-man cartoon where the little figure is battling the mouse that drew it. In this game version, you play as...

Animator vs Animation is an amazing stick-man cartoon where the little figure is battling the mouse that drew it. In this game version, you play as the animator first. You must draw weapons, then use them to destroy the stick-man. Can you erase him maybe? After you have completed that, you can try from the stick persons perspective. Don't let the animator get you, aim for the mouse cursor. There is also a mystery third game mode, which you must unlock in this famous Flash game.

Phím đ.khiển
Left mouse to play.

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