Baby Hazel Dentist Outfit

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L.chơi 285
Tải 450
D.lượng 944.31 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 700
Cao 550
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
It's time to dress up Baby Hazel in dentist outfits and accessories. Choose from various nice-looking professional skirts, tops, coats and...

It's time to dress up Baby Hazel in dentist outfits and accessories. Choose from various nice-looking professional skirts, tops, coats and accessories to give a perfect and stylish dentist makeover to Hazel. Give Hazel the required dentist tools so that she can provide best dental treatment to her patients. So, kids give Baby Hazel the most stylish dentist makeover ever!!! Have fun!

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