Barbie Manicure Secrets

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L.chơi 5059
Tải 504
D.lượng 5.66 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Barbie Manicure Secrets at Friv is a girl dress up game online about a complete Barbie makeover. First, you will take a look what’s inside...

Barbie Manicure Secrets at Friv is a girl dress up game online about a complete Barbie makeover. First, you will take a look what’s inside Barbie’s closet. Then you will visit a nail saloon and create beautiful nails for her. After that, you can choose what accessories will Barbie wear on her hands. When you are done with her nails and hands, you can do her make up and dress her up. Give her eyes some shadows and adjust the shape of her eyebrows. Then you can select any of the clothes and accessories you will see on your screen. Can you make Barbie even more beautiful?

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