Bee Commando

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L.chơi 297
Tải 488
D.lượng 917.91 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 384
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
With deadly new weapons, faster and more intelligent opposition it's up to you to defeat the tribe of purple bees invading Central Park. Plan your...

With deadly new weapons, faster and more intelligent opposition it's up to you to defeat the tribe of purple bees invading Central Park. Plan your campaign carefully in the overview map. The purple insect intruders are stronger and more aggressive then ever before, mindless attacking will result in defeat. Block your opponent with your shield, and attack when the time is right.

Phím đ.khiển
Use mouse to aim.
Left mouse to attack.
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