Ben 10 Power Splash

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L.chơi 723
Tải 520
D.lượng 1.3 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 600
Cao 400
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Ben 10 is on the run again in the Power Splash game! Gwen has been kidnapped by two notorious gangsters and is held hostage on their yacht. When Ben...

Ben 10 is on the run again in the Power Splash game! Gwen has been kidnapped by two notorious gangsters and is held hostage on their yacht. When Ben tried to stop them, they simply turned on their engines and sailed away! Luckily enough, this teenager has 10 alien forms up his sleeve, none of which are afraid of water. Your job is to help Ben overcome all the traps that those villains have left in his way, and capture them once you reach the yacht. You'll have to make use of your alien superpowers, dive into the deep ends of the ocean, and fight off any mysterious creatures that may arise. Let's bring back Gwen safely, shall we?

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
SPACE key to attack.

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