Ben 10 vs Bakugan

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L.chơi 431
Tải 483
D.lượng 1001.98 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 650
Cao 450
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Ben 10 vs Bakugan is a fighting game designed with unique ideas that allow players to show their computational acumen to perform accurate archery...

Ben 10 vs Bakugan is a fighting game designed with unique ideas that allow players to show their computational acumen to perform accurate archery shots. The game is built on the theme of archery with 2 familiar cartoon characters performing competitions with different levels of complexity, creating tension and drama in each level.

In this game, players will choose for themselves a representative character to compete with the other character. The game consists of many levels corresponding to different competitions and players will need to defeat the opponent to win and move on to other levels. In the process of fighting, the shots that hit the head will consume the enemy's energy in a large amount. Get ready to conquer the archery journey, make accurate shots to defeat the opponent.

Phím đ.khiển
Left mouse to play.
Enter key to use camera.
Arrow keys to move camera.

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