Crazy Zombie 9.0

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L.chơi 11746
Tải 586
D.lượng 6.86 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 600
Cao 400
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
These crazy zombies are attacking the city! They will kill anyone that's coming their way, and they are extremely hard to control. As a professional...

These crazy zombies are attacking the city! They will kill anyone that's coming their way, and they are extremely hard to control. As a professional zombie killer, your goal is to kill every single zombie. Guns are available along the way, so make sure to find and get one, or you can use the sword to slash the zombies. Medicines are also readily available to prolong your life. Have fun playing this zombie shooting game and unleash that zombie slasher in you!

Phím đ.khiển
WASD keys to move. U key to hot attack. J key to attack. J key + K key to life skill. I key unique skill. K key to jump. O key and L key to expand skill. PLAYER 2
1 key to attack. 1 key + 2 key to life skill. 2 key to jump. 5 key to unique skill. 6 key and 3 key to expand skill.

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