Diamond Rush

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L.chơi 1005
Tải 482
D.lượng 1.04 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 650
Cao 500
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Fun Matching3 flash Bejeweled game. The aim of the game is to crush, remove the required amount of diamonds on each level to enter a new one. Use...

Fun Matching3 flash Bejeweled game. The aim of the game is to crush, remove the required amount of diamonds on each level to enter a new one. Use mouse to play and you must have at least 3 diamonds of the same color to crush them of the stage. The more diamonds in group the more points you will get. No time no rush so you can have a leisurely experience. Good Luck!

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