Doraemon On Scooter

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L.chơi 541
Tải 538
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
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Good day friends, welcome back with your favorite site team from games-kids.com, as today, we have brought to you such amazing games like this...

Good day friends, welcome back with your favorite site team from games-kids.com, as today, we have brought to you such amazing games like this particular one, Doraemon on Scooter, which is a really beautiful game that you will definitely appreciate, if you decide to join us in it. Today, Doraemon has prepared another funny game for you, a racing game, and you should definitely give it a try, kids, because we know that you simply love such amazing games with him, especially the racing ones. In this new game called Doraemon on Scooter, you kids will get to choose a character between Doraemon, Nobi Nobita and Shizuka, and then, you will have to help them race with their ATV, avoiding the numerous obstacles from their way and so on. Come and join us in a really beautiful racing game, friends, and stay tuned for the upcoming games! Enjoy and good luck!

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