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L.chơi 557
Tải 449
D.lượng 8.23 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Type in the cheats menu: Your main piranha is invincible: PADDED, + 10 litres of blood: BREAD, Massive piranha: KING, Very tiny piranha: FLEES,...

Type in the cheats menu:
Your main piranha is invincible: PADDED, + 10 litres of blood: BREAD, Massive piranha: KING, Very tiny piranha: FLEES, Piranha sticks to the mouse: SPEEDY, Infinity of tail boosts: BOOST, Infinity of oxygen: GOTAIR, Can call the Kraken faster (Only if craken unlocked): KRAKEN

Another killer species is free from captivity and out for blood! Our favourite Piranha has escaped the local Aquarium and is terrorizing various surroundings, but this time he has found grim allies. The objective is to eat as much as you can, complete objectives, upgrade your fish and call on your allies when you need them.

Phím đ.khiển
Use mouse to move.
Left mouse button to boost or attack.

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