Final Ninja

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L.chơi 5038
Tải 592
D.lượng 2.23 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 550
Cao 400
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
In 2028, huge multinationals are engaged in a merciless war for the control of the global markets. Takeshi, a young ninja, barely having left the...

In 2028, huge multinationals are engaged in a merciless war for the control of the global markets. Takeshi, a young ninja, barely having left the academy, was sent straight to the front line on a spy mission. Unfortunately, not everything went to plan. Your mission failed and you’re now prisoner in an immense, futuristic complex. Use your powers of invisibility and your shuriken to find your way out of this perilous situation. But don’t forget your original mission, and pilfer all of the secret documents you find on the way.

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys or WASD keys to move or jump or stealth.
left mouse click to shuriken.
left mouse hold to rope.
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