Fire and Ice

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L.chơi 590
Tải 464
D.lượng 4.84 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 550
Cao 380
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
The Fire and Ice plošinovce accept the identity of an inconsistent man , as it combines the element of fire and ice . Probíjejte the...

The Fire and Ice plošinovce accept the identity of an inconsistent man , as it combines the element of fire and ice . Probíjejte the gaming world and collect gold coins , which will increase your score . Destruction of your opponents can be achieved in two ways - either zlolajníka train the icy balls of fire or flame , depending on which elements of your character just as prevalent , or hostile monster once and for all locks of the fight by jumping on her head .

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
Space key to shoot.
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