Fireboy And Watergirl Treasure

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L.chơi 1546
Tải 520
D.lượng 1.47 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Next up on our website you will get the chance to play a brand new game from the Fireboy and Watergirl Games category on our website, where you...

Next up on our website you will get the chance to play a brand new game from the Fireboy and Watergirl Games category on our website, where you always get the chance to play some of the best 2 players games out there, like we are certain it is going to be the case today as well, with this game called Fireboy and Watergirl Treasure Hunters, which is the first game of it's kind int he category. Get ready to help the boy and the girl collect treasures and get rich, and having fun like you never had before! You can learn how to play this game from this description, so pay attention!

You are going to have to jump on the platforms, avoid all the different obstacles, traps, or holes in the ground, because if you touch them or go into them, you might lose the game. Obviously, the goal is to work together so that you reach the treasures bags, the blue one for the girl, and the red one for the boy, and then get to the end of the level to win. You only have three lives, so use them carefully, because losing them all will cost you the game. Good luck!

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move fireboy.
WASD keys to move watergirl.
P key to pause.

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