Happy Stacking

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L.chơi 3815
Tải 33
D.lượng 1000
M.rộng .HTML5
Rộng 530
Cao 662
Đ.giá 3
Mô tả
Today in the game Happy Stacking we will try our hand at building the tower from various blocks. At the beginning of the game you will see an...

Today in the game Happy Stacking we will try our hand at building the tower from various blocks. At the beginning of the game you will see an airplane in the air. On it you will have to install block elements of different sizes building a tower from them. The quantity and what objects will be provided to you will be displayed at the top of the special panel. Your task is correctly planning the moves to try to make your building monolithic. Not one block should not fall down. If this happens, you instantly lose the level and you have to start all over again. Remember that each your lucky move will be evaluated by a certain number of points and it is desirable that if you pass the level you get them as much as possible.

Phím đ.khiển
Left mouse to play.

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