Highway Justice

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L.chơi 2914
Tải 556
D.lượng 1.65 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 600
Cao 500
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Step into your police cruiser and make sure justice prevails on the busy city streets - have fun playing Highway Justice. Justice lays in your hands...

Step into your police cruiser and make sure justice prevails on the busy city streets - have fun playing Highway Justice. Justice lays in your hands and in your car racing skills,too, of course! Drive this police car down the highway, playing the Highway Justice car racing game, and chase down law breakers who try to escape your sever justice, taking them off the road and protecting all the other honest citizens from scumbags like them!

Phím đ.khiển
Up key to move.
Left key Right key to turn.
Down key to brake.
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