Ice Princess Vs Fire Princess

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L.chơi 397
Tải 466
D.lượng 1.58 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 720
Cao 540
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Are you hot enough to give the Fire Princess a makeover? Let your passion for fashion ignite with this glowing dress-up game. Dress the princess in...

Are you hot enough to give the Fire Princess a makeover? Let your passion for fashion ignite with this glowing dress-up game. Dress the princess in tops, skirts, or a full-length gown. What kind of jewelry should she be wearing? High heels or strappy sandals? Now for the hairstyle: long, flowing locks or a tight bob? Finally, give your princess some real fire...choose form one of the many effects available. Save or print your awesome work, and then go back and make something completely different!

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