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Game Bugs

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Lỗi Game
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L.chơi 31242
Tải 793
D.lượng 6.52 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 1
Mô tả
Meet Jacksmith, the most cunning donkey in the entire realm. In this exciting game, you play as a skilled blacksmith who creates a vast array of...

Meet Jacksmith, the most cunning donkey in the entire realm. In this exciting game, you play as a skilled blacksmith who creates a vast array of weapons for your brave warriors.
Crafting weapons is a completely immersive experience, where you get to choose your ore, mold, melt, pour, construct, and design your weapons, from swords and bows to arrows and axes. However, creating the perfect weapon requires both skill and strategy, and there are some rules you must adhere to, such as creating a sharp sword.
Once you've crafted the ideal weapon, it's time to take on battles with your team of warriors, gathering loot and manning cannons, all while working towards defeating the formidable Great Wizard Dudley.

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