Medieval Shark Hacked

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L.chơi 84
Tải 442
D.lượng 8.62 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 720
Cao 450
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Hacked: God mode. Judgement day is upon us, as the prophecy foretold. The master of death has come to claim the world. But only a child fears...

Hacked: God mode.

Judgement day is upon us, as the prophecy foretold. The master of death has come to claim the world. But only a child fears dragons, a real threat emerges from the depths. Only he, a man, a shark, a sharkman can save us. Is he our savior or are we just dinner? A jaw of 1000 teeth in King Arthur's court will determine our fate. Castles will be destroyed, lives will be forfeit, death has met his match. Long live the king.

Phím đ.khiển
Attack: A-key
Move: Arrowkeys
Super Jump: Swim deep then swim up.

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