Mickey Mouse Dress Up

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L.chơi 89
Tải 354
D.lượng 259.11 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 660
Cao 495
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Mickey Mouse is the most popular Disney character, and he is well aware of that! You have the chance to make him look even more stylish than he...

Mickey Mouse is the most popular Disney character, and he is well aware of that! You have the chance to make him look even more stylish than he already is by playing this Mickey Mouse Dress Up game! Mickey has many cool clothes that every person would like to have, and he wants to wear them daily on different occasions. Choose some of the best-looking shirts, shoes, pants, and accessories and put them on Mickey so he can try them on and see how it looks. Change something anytime if you want or if you feel like there is something else that goes better with something.

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Left mouse to play.

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