Monkey Curling Championship 1986

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L.chơi 50
Tải 396
D.lượng 236.51 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 500
Cao 400
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
First select a set of 3 monkeys to curl (you can select multiple 'standard' monkeys, but only one of each of the rest). There are 5 to...

First select a set of 3 monkeys to curl (you can select multiple 'standard' monkeys, but only one of each of the rest). There are 5 to choose from... the more they cost, the more points (and ultimately cash) they can earn you on each shot. The object is to score points to get enough cash ($300 min) to buy 3 monkeys for each round.

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