Motorbike Difference

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Game Bugs

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Lỗi Game
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L.chơi 472
Tải 528
D.lượng 596.01 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 700
Cao 500
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
There are really five pairs of photos in which you have to find the variations. If you miss you begin during the beginning. Use mouse to visit the...

There are really five pairs of photos in which you have to find the variations. If you miss you begin during the beginning. Use mouse to visit the variations. If you mouse click away from the correct spot you will receive unfavorable points. If you mistake five times, the game is finished. Also be careful as well as keep an eye regarding the timer, if time runs out the game is finished. You are able to get maximum 5000 points in this game. So, of you're eager go and get all which points and additionally get a hold of distinctions between all that motorbikes. Have Fun!

Phím đ.khiển
left mouse to play.

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