Naruto Bike Delivery

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L.chơi 363
Tải 465
D.lượng 1.39 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Naruto Bike Delivery is a nice bike game appeared in this category that will test your skill and agility. In this game you will need these qualities...

Naruto Bike Delivery is a nice bike game appeared in this category that will test your skill and agility. In this game you will need these qualities because only you will accomplish your objective successfully. In each level you have to help the Naruto make more deliveries by bicycle. It's a pretty difficult because you have to pay attention to customer desires. Some want a single object, and others want different things will be more difficult to deliver them on time. You must use the arrow keys to travel with Naruto bike and the space key clients need to deliver things. In the first level you have only two things to be delivered, you can change the keys 1 and 2, but as you progress higher levels, the number of things you need to supply them grow and be increasingly more difficult to successfully fulfill your objective. Give us a like if you enjoyed our game and leave us a comment with your opinion about Naruto. Take care not to pour bike because you will lose and have to start from the beginning.

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
Space key to give item.
P key to pause.
1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key to switch item.

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