Penalty Shootout

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L.chơi 358
Tải 486
D.lượng 286.1 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 492
Cao 400
Đ.giá 3
Mô tả
Participate in different fantasy leagues and prove your penalty skills! After picking a league, you can freely choose a favorite team. In the game,...

Participate in different fantasy leagues and prove your penalty skills! After picking a league, you can freely choose a favorite team. In the game, you take turns as a penalty kicker and as a goalkeeper. When playing as a kicker, there are 3 moving indicators to adjust the ball's direction, height, and speed. While player as the keeper, you just need to click the target indicator on time. Can you write soccer history in Penalty Shootout: Multi League?

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Use mouse to play.

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