Penthouse Pool

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L.chơi 69
Tải 398
D.lượng 3.75 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 750
Cao 550
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
A fun online pool game in which you can play three different versions: 9-ball, straight pool and carambole! In 9-ball and straight pool, you have...

A fun online pool game in which you can play three different versions: 9-ball, straight pool and carambole! In 9-ball and straight pool, you have to pocket all the balls. Try to pocket all coloured balls first, and the black 8-ball at last. In the nine-ball version the cue ball always has to hit the lowest-numbered ball first. This is marked with a white circle around. In the carom billiards game, the cue ball should hit the two other balls in one shot. So you can try different pool and billiards versions in one single online game. Enjoy!

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