Plants Vs. Zombies Demo

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L.chơi 12203
Tải 598
D.lượng 15.03 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 540
Cao 405
Đ.giá 3
Mô tả
Plants vs. Zombies Web Version is a free online Adobe Flash version of the game that was available at the PopCap Games official website and Pogo.com....

Plants vs. Zombies Web Version is a free online Adobe Flash version of the game that was available at the PopCap Games official website and Pogo.com. There are three modes: Adventure Mode, Survival and Puzzle. In the Adventure Mode of this version, the player can only progress until they finish level 2-4 (level 2-2 in the Pogo version) before they must start again as a new player. However, if one unlocked the Survival and Puzzle modes on one computer previously, they will be able to continue playing those modes. Survival Mode on the web version is a modified version of Survival: Endless which takes place during the night, and the player can only choose four plants at a time. Puzzle Mode consists of a modified version of Vasebreaker. The player's progress will be lost on the Survival and Puzzle modes if you quit.

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Left mouse to play.

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