Princess Piggy Hair Salon

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L.chơi 281
Tải 453
D.lượng 1.05 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 660
Cao 500
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Today is the wedding anniversary of the parents of the piggy princess. The whole place and especially the house of the princess look auspicious. This...

Today is the wedding anniversary of the parents of the piggy princess. The whole place and especially the house of the princess look auspicious. This evening the king throws a party to people in the city. Alice is the beautician of the princess is down with fever. So, may not be able to come to the palace. The piggy princess is your classmate. She has decided to come to your salon which is adjacent to the palace. Wash the hair using shampoo. The important part is adorning the princess with the contemporary dresses. Give her a great look. You can take your time. Let the princess have outstanding outfit. She is mad after stylish hairdos. See to that your makeover on her add more beauty and grace.

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