Red Ball

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L.chơi 6768
Tải 628
D.lượng 1.25 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 653
Cao 490
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Red Ball 1 stays one of the most popular games in the world for several years! This simple entertainment will make you feel exciting any time you...

Red Ball 1 stays one of the most popular games in the world for several years! This simple entertainment will make you feel exciting any time you switch the game on. Your task is to use all your attention and skills to make a red ball pass through different obstacles: gaps, hills, wrecking balls and blocks.

The game has 12 levels and second part if first one already completed. Each next level is more complicated and has longer rout than previous ones. While first level may be easy to pass, higher stages will need your best to be passed successfully.

This online entertainment is free from any elements of violence and has no age restrictions. It will be same interesting for kids and adults.

Phím đ.khiển
Left key Right key to move.
Up key to jump.
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