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L.chơi 37913
Tải 833
D.lượng 882.02 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 550
Cao 400
Đ.giá 2
Mô tả
How do you think, what is the main benefit of online games? Think about it, why do we waste so much time playing various flash games? Well, I...

How do you think, what is the main benefit of online games? Think about it, why do we waste so much time playing various flash games? Well, I personally think that online games are an awesome way to destress and relax. A lot of people say that video games are not useful, that they don’t help you to gain anything and they are a waste of time. Well sure video games don’t help you to gain anything, it is true, but let me tell you what they help you to get rid of: anxiety, stress, bad thoughts, anger, etc. As you can see they are pretty useful and helpful, they help you to relax and it is extremely important these days because our everyday life is stressful and anxious.

Phím đ.khiển
Left key and right key to move.
Space key to jumping.
Use mouse to interact
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