Sift Heads World Act 1

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L.chơi 7289
Tải 627
D.lượng 5.31 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 440
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Vinnie is now officially teamed up with Kiro and the delicious Shorty. The story continues from the intense ending of Sift Renegade 2. As Vinnie and...

Vinnie is now officially teamed up with Kiro and the delicious Shorty. The story continues from the intense ending of Sift Renegade 2. As Vinnie and Kiro hide out in their new headquarters Shorty signals the presence of the Italian Mafia. Ever since Vinnie cleared the street of Chicago many years back, thing haven’t been so good for this gang and desperately attempt to surface again. Vinnie and his band of assassins have no intentions of letting this happen and will go directly to the source of the problem to put a stop to it; Palermo!

Phím đ.khiển
Use mouse to aim
Left mouse to shoot.
SPACE key to weapon.
R key to reload.
Q key to quality.

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