Skibidi Toilet: Attack & Defense

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L.chơi 27
Tải 1
D.lượng 997
M.rộng .HTML5
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Skibidi Toilet: Attack & Defense is a hilarious arcade game where you must defend the world from an invasion of Skibidi Toilets from Planet...

Skibidi Toilet: Attack & Defense is a hilarious arcade game where you must defend the world from an invasion of Skibidi Toilets from Planet Toilet-5! Take on the role of a brave hero and fight off waves of toilet-like monsters. Battle the Skibidi Boss, G-Man, and his army of quirky enemies in two exciting game modes: "Campaign" and "Survival." Embark on this absurd comedy and save humanity from the comical toilet terror! Get ready to laugh through the flush in this entertaining adventure with cartoonish graphics.

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