Snail Bob 3

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L.chơi 1776
Tải 595
D.lượng 7.42 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 520
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
HELP! Snail Bob is in a hot spot—the desert. You gotta get him out!The desert doesn’t seem like the most logical place for a snail to...

HELP! Snail Bob is in a hot spot—the desert. You gotta get him out!The desert doesn’t seem like the most logical place for a snail to hang out, but that’s where Bob is in the next installment of this popular action game. Grandpa Snail accidentally warped him over to Egypt, and now he has to puzzle his way out of the ancient pyramids. Click Bob to start him on his journey, then click again to stop. Push buttons and manipulate his environment to get Bob back home. Never has the world united like this for a snail!

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Left mouse to interact.
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