Sonic Truck War

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L.chơi 475
Tải 510
D.lượng 1.84 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 650
Cao 450
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Sonic participates in off-road racing with powerful opponents. You try to help Sonic pass by skillful car controls and accelerate to the finish line...

Sonic participates in off-road racing with powerful opponents. You try to help Sonic pass by skillful car controls and accelerate to the finish line as soon as possible. Wish you a lot of fun when playing Sonic truck wars game (Sonic truck wars) at Game Fun's gaming website. In addition, you can choose from many other attractive game themes such as tank shooting, arraying, shooting, gold digging, martial arts, racing, ..

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
Z key to nitro.
R key to reload.
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