Strike Force Heroes 2 Hacked

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L.chơi 6420
Tải 622
D.lượng 15.59 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Hack Information:Key Hacks: Press G Toggle godmode - H Toggle ammo - J Toggle rapid fire - K Level up - L Money (1000-10000) - T Use killstreak - Z...

Hack Information:
Key Hacks: Press G Toggle godmode - H Toggle ammo - J Toggle rapid fire - K Level up - L Money (1000-10000) - T Use killstreak - Z Unlock campains - U Unlock challenges

Customise five unique soldiers with hundreds of weapons in the sequel to smash-hit action-packed shooter.

Phím đ.khiển
W key or Up key to Jump.
A key or Left key to move left.
S key or Down key crouch.
D key or Right key to move right.
R key or Left mouse to reload.
Q key Shift key to switch weapons.
E key Ctrl key to killstreak.
Use mouse to aim and shoot.

G key Toggle godmode - H key Toggle ammo - J key Toggle rapid fire - K key Level up - L key Money (1000-10000) T key Use killstreak - Z key Unlock campains - U key Unlock challenges.

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