Strike Force Kitty

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L.chơi 14604
Tải 641
D.lượng 3.66 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 765
Cao 540
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
StrikeForce Kitty is a casual running game where you dress-up your cats with costumes and collect all the fish. Avoid traps to complete each level...

StrikeForce Kitty is a casual running game where you dress-up your cats with costumes and collect all the fish. Avoid traps to complete each level!

How to Play:

Use the Arrow Keys to control your army of cats. Jump over obstacles and collect fish.
Dress up your cats to improve the strength of your army with the costumes and weapons found along the way.
Try to collect full set costumes for special powers!

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow Keys to control your army of cats. Jump over obstacles and collect fish.
Use mouse to dress up your cats.

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