Toon Cup 2020 HTML5

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L.chơi 88
Tải 12
M.rộng .HTML5
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
The heroes of Cartoon Network are back to play intense soccer matches in Toon Cup 2020. In quick match or tournament mode, you can compose your team...

The heroes of Cartoon Network are back to play intense soccer matches in Toon Cup 2020. In quick match or tournament mode, you can compose your team by selecting three players from more than 30 characters from the CN universe. On the field you can make sliding tackles to defend and intercept the ball, pass the ball to your teammates to progress towards the opposing goal and make powerful shots to score goals and gain the advantage. Many things can be unlocked in Toon Cup 2020: Four characters, Kelsey, Batgirl, Badgerclops and Onion, three stadiums, dozens of balls. It will also be possible to upgrade the statistics of your players to make them more efficient on the field.

Phím đ.khiển
Arrow keys to move.
Space key to attack.

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