Transforming Bockies

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L.chơi 884
Tải 468
D.lượng 10.44 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
In the world of blocks appeared messed Cossacks. They can not be determined at once, insidious cunning people disguise themselves as good and decent....

In the world of blocks appeared messed Cossacks. They can not be determined at once, insidious cunning people disguise themselves as good and decent. To expose the villains, you need to strike at them and you will immediately see their real spiteful physiognomy. Fighting enemy agents is not easy, you need to use non-traditional methods and non-conventional approaches. At each level you will have to dream up and develop a lot of running operation to reset the evil block from the platform. If at the same time you pick up the gold stars - honor you and praise. It will take not only logic, wit, fantasy, but also dexterity. Smart and good blocks also can transform and you must correctly use these abilities in the game Transforming Blockies.

Phím đ.khiển
Left mouse to play.

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