Arm Surgery 2

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L.chơi 516
Tải 466
D.lượng 2.17 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 660
Cao 480
Đ.giá 5
Mô tả
Could you be the surgeon who’s taking care of sweet Princess Anna and her emergency surgery? Then feel free to join her in getting the...

Could you be the surgeon who’s taking care of sweet Princess Anna and her emergency surgery? Then feel free to join her in getting the ‘Princess Anna Arm Surgery’ doctor game for girls started and first of all run a short test using the X-Ray machine to identify the broken bones. Then take her to the OR and step-by-step use all the sterilized tools to perform the arm surgery. Now of the next page of our fun Frozen game, you get to help our adorable little princess dress up as nicely as possible. Choose her a new hairstyle and a lovely printed top, match it with a cute skirt or with some shorts, a comfy pair of shoes and with some sparkly jewelries too. Have a great time playing the ‘Princess Anna Arm Surgery’ game for girls!

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