Barbie Hand Surgery

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L.chơi 289
Tải 537
D.lượng 2.46 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Barbie Hand Surgery is the newest game appeared in the doctor games category only here www.play-games.com, best gaming site in the country, which...

Barbie Hand Surgery is the newest game appeared in the doctor games category only here www.play-games.com, best gaming site in the country, which will test the skill, attention and patience. you will need these qualities because you have to try the hardest job in the world, namely the doctor. Leave us a comment with your opinion at the end of the game. Being a doctor is quite difficult because a lot of Oman rely on doctors to help a small mistake can cost lives. In this game you have to demonstrate that you have a good doctor, because the only way you manage to complete the game successfully. In this game you will have a very special patient namely that Barbie will have to operate at hand, it is seriously injured. At the bottom of the screen you have medical tools you need. Barbie has confidence in you that you will do well so should you show that you do well and you can help. In this game you need only mouse with which you must fulfill the tasks step by step. Pay us a like if you enjoyed our game Barbie. Give of your best to complete the task on time.

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