Avalanche Nitrome

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L.chơi 1003
Tải 513
D.lượng 1.37 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 550
Cao 550
Đ.giá 3
Mô tả
Avalanche is a skill game created by Nitrome. In this game, you are a penguin on a sled whose main goal is to outrun an avalanche. So think on your...

Avalanche is a skill game created by Nitrome. In this game, you are a penguin on a sled whose main goal is to outrun an avalanche. So think on your feet and pass all the dangerous obstacles that stand in your way. There are two game modes in Avalanche: The regular story mode in which you can play through 15 levels. Or try the survival mode where you continue to slide away from the avalanche until you lose the game. How many fish can you catch in Avalanche without falling off?

Phím đ.khiển
Right key or D key to accekerate.
Left key or A key to brake.
Up key or W key to jump.

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