Bartender 2

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L.chơi 5301
Tải 82
M.rộng .HTML5
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
Bartender 2 is a great cocktail mixing game and you can play it online and for free! Have you ever been on the other side of the bar? With Bartender...

Bartender 2 is a great cocktail mixing game and you can play it online and for free! Have you ever been on the other side of the bar? With Bartender 2, your dreams of being an expert on cocktails will come true. Choose the perfect amount of the perfect ingredients, add some fruit slices, a little bit of ice, shake it all, serve, and see how good your cocktail is! Think you can manage to be a barkeeper? Let's find out!

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