Papa's Taco Mia X

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L.chơi 1683
Tải 555
D.lượng 5.14 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
So what happens when an Italian chef opens a successful Pizzeria and Burgeria? Build the biggest, wackiest Taquería anyone has ever seen!...

So what happens when an Italian chef opens a successful Pizzeria and Burgeria? Build the biggest, wackiest Taquería anyone has ever seen! After winning a taco eating contest, you're awarded the keys to Papa's Taco Mia! Good luck though, because all your favorite customers are back, and they brought friends. Unlock all sorts of ingredients and upgrade your shop for style and speed. Try to please those picky Closers, and mystify Jojo the food critic with your wild taco making skills!

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