Papa Louie

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L.chơi 11035
Tải 627
D.lượng 2.45 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
The adventure that started it all! While Papa Louie was hosting a party at Papa's Pizzeria, the Infamous Onion Ring infiltrated all the orders....

The adventure that started it all! While Papa Louie was hosting a party at Papa's Pizzeria, the Infamous Onion Ring infiltrated all the orders. Delicious pizzas were transformed into gooey Pizza Monsters that kidnapped all of Papa Louie's customers, teleporting them to a far off lands. Armed with his trusty pizza paddle and loads of Pepper Bombs, Papa Louie must rescue all his loyal customers and put an end to the Infamous Onion Ring.

Phím đ.khiển
Left key and right key to walk
Up key to climb.
Down key to pick up.
SPACE key to jump.
Z key swing paddle.
X key to throw bomb.
B key check bonus.
Enter key to pause.
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