Bowmaster Prelude HD Hacked

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L.chơi 211
Tải 479
D.lượng 2.56 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 3
Mô tả
Hacked: Infinite money. An evil medieval army attempting to eradicate your peaceful civilization. You are armed with a legendary bow and can use a...

Hacked: Infinite money.

An evil medieval army attempting to eradicate your peaceful civilization. You are armed with a legendary bow and can use a variety of spells and different types of magical arrows to defeat your enemy. Use strategy to prioritize your targets and exploit their weaknesses. You'll even be able to summon allied units to help you in battle! The war has just begun and the odds are against you but once again the time has come for you to be The BowMaster...

Key Features:
- 30 Unique Terrain Levels
- 13 Weapon Types and 6 Commandable Units
- 4 Shooting Modes
- Multiple Profiles

Your kingdom is under attack! You are armed with a legendary bow and can use a variety of spells and different types of magical arrows to defeat your enemy. Use strategy to prioritize your targets and exploit their weaknesses.


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