Dash and Dog Wicked Woods

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L.chơi 1342
Tải 420
D.lượng 1.71 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 700
Cao 400
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
This game is definitely the game to play if you are in love with adventure and hard feelings or some real adrenaline because it really offers you the...

This game is definitely the game to play if you are in love with adventure and hard feelings or some real adrenaline because it really offers you the unique occasion to use the mouse in order to prove your level of courge and ability! Dash is a young boy which is so brave and awkward and he is truly fearless and he has alongside him almost all the time his loyal dog which is never going to let him down! They will continue their adventure by running through this wicked woods and avoiding or dodgeing these dangerous animals or another obstacles which could put in danger their health! This game challenges you to overcome your super powers and to prove that the force of a good friendship could pass over all the obstacles in the world. Use the arrows in order to jump over all the possible obstacles and then make your dog bark when you meet an obstacle that you can't avoid to this will disappear! Be smart and finish all the missions from this running games successfully!

Phím đ.khiển
W key to jump.
D key to back.

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