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L.chơi 446
Tải 469
D.lượng 510.75 K
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 600
Cao 400
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
The striker within a match of football is one of the most stressed and more in action definitely people that you know them and you because you have...

The striker within a match of football is one of the most stressed and more in action definitely people that you know them and you because you have to play always with him. When you reach the opponent, near the gate where you have to shoot, Striker will have to use the schemes you have so manage to pass the football defenders who defend gate and eventually to shoot the ball in gate with a larger power so the keeper can not see the direction that takes. For that you have to practice a lot and build your Kicking technique that is specific strikers, football sitting on such forward positions.

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