Doraemon Jaian Run

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L.chơi 1072
Tải 542
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 640
Cao 480
Đ.giá 3
Mô tả
It's about time for us to bring you more new games within the best categories of them all, girls, because we have prepared for you such interesting...

It's about time for us to bring you more new games within the best categories of them all, girls, because we have prepared for you such interesting and exciting games in which you are definitely going to have the best time of your life. If you are here, then you are definitely big fans of this asian character named Doraemon, because we have returned today with an interesting adventure game with him. Doraemon has quite a lot of enemies, and one of them is obviously Jaian, an angry kid that is always chasing Doraemon. Today, we invite you to try this game Doraemon Jaian Run, a game in which you will have to help Doraemon to escape from Jaian. Good luck friends!

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SPACE key to jump.

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