Elsa Brain Doctor

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L.chơi 399
Tải 499
D.lượng 4.85 M
M.rộng .SWF
Rộng 800
Cao 600
Đ.giá 4
Mô tả
The cold weather is about to end but in this Elsa nose doctor game your job will not because there are plenty of patients that keep coming in with...

The cold weather is about to end but in this Elsa nose doctor game your job will not because there are plenty of patients that keep coming in with all sorts of injuries and diseases. Luckily for them, you have a well equipped office and the nurse is there to give you some instructions on each step of the game. Use all the tools to figure out what the problem is with Elsas nose and then you can start fixing it to make her pretty once again. The doctors recommendations should probably include not sneezing because that could cause quite a few problems and send her right back in through the doors.

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Left mouse to interact.

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